Yeshua and Abortion – Is Abortion Sin or Not?

Zinc spark of life human embryo - say no to abortion

Truthful Answers to Common Questions

What is the spark of life at the moment when the egg instantly transforms into an embryo?
In the Genesis account of Creation, everything began when God said, "Let there be light".

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Saviors shall come to Mount Zion

Obadiah 21 - yasha - saviors - saints

The name Obadiah means "worshiper of God," or "worshiper of Jehovah (YHWH)," more literally, or Yahweh. So, it is a very beautiful name.

Obadiah is one of four prophets about whom we know absolutely nothing, except that he wrote prophecy in what is the shortest book in the Bible.

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The Geulah is the time of Redemption brought by Messiah (Mashiach)

Isaiah 59-20 : His Name is Yeshua

In traditional Judaism, the 'Geulah' is the time of Redemption brought by Mashiach (Messiah), when the world will be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the ocean bed.

It is said that when Messiah ushers in the Geulah, everywhere you look you will see God's holiness.

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Are We Inching Our Way Towards the Fulfillment of Zechariah 12?

Jerusalem : Capital of Israel

Jerusalem has been at the very center of religious, historical and geopolitical tensions for a long time. With the recent move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, it seems that fuel has once again been added to the fire already consuming the Palestinians with humiliation, or so would the media like us to believe. 

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Trump and Israel: True Love or Biblical Obligation?

Donald Trump at Western Wall praying to Yeshua

After less than a year in office, Donald Trump has done more to restore America's relationship with Israel than in the 8 years of the previous administration. These days, supporting Israel is a dangerous proposition for anybody from governments to institutions, to organizations all the way down to individuals.

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