
Don’t Ban the Kippah, but Let’s Think Twice before Wearing It!

Kippah ban in France

It was an outrage but not much of a surprise when French extreme right Front National leader Marine Le Pen announced this week that France should pass a law to ban the wearing of the kippah (Jewish skullcap.) In her defense, her position on the wearing of religious symbols doesn't only include the kippah. She is also in favor of banning the hijab and veils. Read More



Southern Baptists Support Israel “For Such a Time as This!”

Southern Baptist Convention Supports Israel

The Southern Baptist Convention (the largest evangelical denomination in America), just passed a resolution that boldly proclaims support for Israel. This is not highly unusual for the SBC that has a solid reputation for supporting Israel and the Jewish people. Yet, Read More



The Facts About Palestine

Greater Israel vs so-called Palestine

Who is the rightful owner of the most contested piece of real estate in the world? Everyone seems to have an answer to this question that has captured the world’s attention. Read More



Is Holocaust Denial Really about the Holocaust?

Albeit Mach Frei : Holocaust Denial 2016

In 2005, The United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 60/7 to officially choose January 27 as the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. This is the day when the world is supposed to mark and remember the Holocaust and its victims. Read More



Antisemitism in 2015: A Year in Review!

Paris France antisemitism 2015

Within a week of the start of 2015, terrorism hit France in what became the worst terror attack in decades, claiming 17 lives. Eleven months later, in some sort of an eerie xenophobic bookend, France was hit again, this time losing 130 innocent people. As I see the fabric of our global village changing daily, especially with the recent migrant crisis in Europe, I am greatly concerned with the fate of my people and of Israel. Read More

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