In Trading Burgdahl For Taliban Dream Team, Obama Pretends To Be Netanyahu

We're All Mad Here

“We put a premium on individual lives the way the other guys don’t.  That’s the difference between a civilized society and a barbarous society.  And we pay a high price for being civilized.”

 – Charles Krauthammer

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The Monuments Men: In Dire Need Of Them Today

The Monuments Men: In Dire Need Of Them Today The Monuments Men presents a Hollywood look at the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives (MFAA) program which sprang from the need to protect European artwork during the Nazi invasion of World War II.  The MFAA was formed by the Allies in response to looting, burning, and destruction of priceless artworks, with the aim of preserving those cultural artifacts left in the wake of Hitler’s genocidal war.  Apart from being a hall-of-fame anti-Semite, Hitler was also a greedy little man, who wanted to own and control the entire art world.  But when the tides of war turned against him, he childishly had tens of thousands of masterpieces destroyed, as if to say, “If I can’t have them, nobody will.” Read More


Focusing on what Unites Jews and Evangelicals!

For as long as Jews and Christians have existed, there has been an obvious tension between both groups too often resulting in ostracizing, forced conversions, expulsions, and deaths. Both sides have become very good at itemizing what divides them and dwelling on the differences. Over the years, finger-pointing and blame-shifting have almost become an art form in Judeo/Christian relations. Read More


My Review of Noah – Which I Have Not Seen!

"I’ll let you know what I think about the Noah movie after I read a review by someone else who hasn’t seen it.”

– Tim Hawkins

Full confession: I have not seen the Noah movie yet, but I probably will catch it later, when it appears in the dollar theaters.

As you may or may not know, I have been promoting the study of Noah – the Scriptural Noah – through my website and recent teachings over the past few months. I work as a Bible teacher and pulpit minister at Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue, and as it turned out, the Noah movie was being released during the same time when I happen to have been teaching through Genesis each Saturday in an ongoing study of the Bible. Read More


Greed, Naked Ambition, and Cutting Corners in the Church

working to cut corners

"A faithful man will abound with blessing, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished."
– Proverbs 28:20, ESV

There is no substitute for hard work. That’s what Mom and Dad always said, right? Little by little, pay your dues, do your time, and learn your craft. After a while, you’ll start to see some progress, and as you get older you’ll find that, somehow, despite everything, you’ve managed to accomplish a few things in life that are worthy of a measure of humble self-satisfaction. That’s how the WWII generation did it, and it seemed to work, at least in a quaint sort of way. Read More

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