
Trump and Israel: True Love or Biblical Obligation?

Donald Trump at Western Wall praying to Yeshua

After less than a year in office, Donald Trump has done more to restore America's relationship with Israel than in the 8 years of the previous administration. These days, supporting Israel is a dangerous proposition for anybody from governments to institutions, to organizations all the way down to individuals.

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The Pervasiveness of BDS in American Politics!

Boycott Israel BDS

Over the years I have tried to expose the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement known as BDS. In its modern version, BDS is only 14 years old, but the concept is much older, and it could be argued that Kristallnacht, the November 1938 "Night of Broken Glass" in Germany, was an early, rather successful attempt at BDS against the Jewish people.

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Trump and Israel: True Love or Biblical Obligation?

Donald Trump at Western Wall praying to Yeshua

After less than a year in office, Donald Trump has done more to restore America's relationship with Israel than in the 8 years of the previous administration. These days, supporting Israel is a dangerous proposition for anybody from governments to institutions, to organizations all the way down to individuals.

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Do Jews Have a Future in France Under Emmanuel Macron?

France - Jews Future under Macron

On May 7, 2017, France elected "Centrist" Emmanuel Macron as their new president for the next five years. He was running against Marine Le Pen of the Front National Alt-Right party and won with 65% of the votes.  But it was two weeks ago that France truly turned a page when they brought Macron and Le Pen to the second round, thus eliminating the age old Right/Left dichotomy that the country had been used to for decades. Now what?

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The Anti-Israel Paris Conference Needs to be “Trumped!”

Benjamin Netanyahu re: Paris Conference 2017

Less than a week before Mr. Obama walks into the sunset–or at least walks out of the White House– further damage to US/Israel relations is still possible. Beyond a shaky relationship that has been crumbling over the past eight years, Israel is a risk once again because 72 world leaders are being manipulated by her fiercest foes. They are about to meet in Paris on January 15 and decide on the fate of the tiny Jewish State. Like a thorn in the flesh of our global village, according to these leaders, Israel must accept and recognize Palestine for her [Israel] own good. Read More

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