A Hidden Message: The Gospel in Genesis

We frequently use the familiar term, gospel, or good news. Where is the first place it appears in the Bible? The answer may surprise you.

An Integrated Message

The great discovery is that the Bible is a message system: it's not simply 66 books penned by 40 authors over thousands of years, the Bible is an integrated whole which bears evidence of supernatural engineering in every detail.

The Jewish rabbis have a quaint way of expressing this very idea: they say that they will not understand the Scriptures until the Messiah comes. But when He comes, He will not only interpret each of the passages for us, He will interpret the very words; He will even interpret the very letters themselves; in fact, He will even interpret the spaces between the letters! Read More


Trump and Israel: True Love or Biblical Obligation?

Donald Trump at Western Wall praying to Yeshua

After less than a year in office, Donald Trump has done more to restore America's relationship with Israel than in the 8 years of the previous administration. These days, supporting Israel is a dangerous proposition for anybody from governments to institutions, to organizations all the way down to individuals.

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Hope for the Hopeless

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There were days of joy in these men's lives, now long forgotten, erased and blurred by the warm lies being delivered from the cold needle in the arm.  He only wants to escape and forget the pain and harshness of this fallen world, even if it's just for a little while. A world temporarily ruled by an unseen fallen angel of darkness, death, and destruction who hates God and everything good. 

There's still time for the hopeless to change the path they are walking on.  There is another way.  Jesus/Yeshua said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

“And now, Lord, what do I wait for?
My hope is in You."
– Psalm 39:7

Guide me in your truth and teach me, 
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.
–  Psalm 25:5



Not Exactly “A Pope for All Seasons!”

Pope and Sheikh 2019 in Morocco

In the story "A Man for All Seasons" based on the life of Sir Thomas More, the hero is portrayed as a man of principle envied by many of his contemporaries, including some of his rivals. Sir Thomas More was once described in those words:" "More is a man of an angel's wit and singular learning. I know not his fellow. For where is the man of that gentleness, lowliness, and affability? And, as time requireth, a man of marvelous mirth and pastimes, and sometime of as sad gravity. A man for all seasons." 

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The Pervasiveness of BDS in American Politics!

Boycott Israel BDS

Over the years I have tried to expose the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement known as BDS. In its modern version, BDS is only 14 years old, but the concept is much older, and it could be argued that Kristallnacht, the November 1938 "Night of Broken Glass" in Germany, was an early, rather successful attempt at BDS against the Jewish people.

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