The New WMD against Israel: Worldwide Media Distortion!

breaking news : mass media untruth
There is a saying usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin that goes like this: "Nothing is certain except for death and taxes."  To this motto we could add "war" because as long as men exist, they will always exercise their "self-attributed rights" to wage war against each other. Reasons abound for the annihilation of our neighbors, not that any of these reasons would necessarily be justifiable, at least ethically!
Just like everything else in the world, war has morphed over the centuries and actually has dramatically evolved since the end of World War II in 1945. The obvious change in war is the use of weapons that are increasingly becoming more refined and precise. Long gone are the days of bayonets, horses, and trenches. War has evolved and continues to evolve alongside technology. The most sophisticated missiles can now find a target buried underground AND hit it with breathtaking precision within a few meters. So as conflicts continue to exist, world leaders all agree that conventional warfare is a thing of the past. Read More

21st Century Israel Seen through the Psalms!

Psalm 83 Prayer

Israel has been at war, one way or another, for the last 64 years since its rebirth as a modern nation in 1948. No other country in the history of mankind has been under so much pressure from the international community for all the wrong reasons if any reason at all. Yet no other country in the entire world has ever survived this level of aggression from its neighbors. Something is going on in Israel that is far greater than the undeniable military might of IDF.

For the last few days, Operation Pillar of Defense has been underway, emphasis on the word "defense". As the launching of rockets on Israel has escalated in frequency and numbers over the last month, something had to be done. This little democracy tucked in the center of the Middle East and surrounded by enemies, has no choice but to defend itself. This could possibly turn into a full-blown war in the region, and considering the fragility of several of the "Arab Spring" surrounding countries, it would behoove the rest of the world to pay attention. Read More

Time for the Arab “Spring Cleaning” in Egypt!

Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Recently, I wrote about the change of power in Egypt and the quiet Muslim Brotherhood takeover. The world watched, hopeful and encouraged as a man came to replace Hosni Mubarak in a "free election". The army was still in place and very much involved in controlling every move the government made. I did not know how long this would last, but I felt it would be short-lived.

Well, it didn't last very long! Newly elected Egyptian Mohamed Morsi seized the day when he saw a unique opportunity to force the current armed forces generals to step aside. Read More


Yom HaShoah

Jewish Star

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It is with some trepidation today that I approach the pulpit because I feel the gravity of the subject, and I also feel the inadequacy that comes from knowing that no words of mine can even begin to encapsulate the magnitude of evil which is embodied by the Holocaust.


Misrepresenting God

Yom Hashoah

Parashat Sh’mini: Leviticus 9:1–11:47

Now Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu each took his fire pan, put fire in it, and laid incense on it; and they offered before the Lord alien fire, which He had not enjoined upon them. And fire came forth from the Lord and consumed them; thus they died at the instance of the Lord. Then Moses said to Aaron, “This is what the Lord meant when He said:

Through those near to Me I show Myself holy,

And gain glory before all the people.”

And Aaron was silent. (Lev. 10:1–3, njps)

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