UNESCO MADNESS: U.N. Branch Recognizes ‘Palestine’, Then Loses American Funding

Beer Sheba National Park World Heritage Site

Almost entirely under the news radar, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has voted to deem a geographically undefined ‘Palestine’ worthy of becoming a full member state, on the basis of its supposedly rich cultural heritage.  This vote, which passed by an overwhelming majority against the will of the United States, triggers a law that requires the US to defund UNESCO on the basis that, any organization supporting the PLO must be cut off financially.  As a result, the hammer has fallen on UNESCO. Read More


Gilad Shalit: Is He Worth It? Yes I Believe He Is…


“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Yeshua replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Matthew 22:36-40

The prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas which facilitated the release of Gilad Shalit is monumental and deserves deeper reflection than other current events. No doubt Israel’s willingness to trade 1000+ convicted Islamic terrorists for a single Israeli soldier will be looked upon as a watershed event. Some will accuse Israel of insanity, others of pandering. Many questions spring to mind, some of the more obvious being the following: Was this a wise decision? Was the swap politically motivated on the part of Netanyahu and Likud, and if so, to what end? Will this ultimately backfire in our faces, and if so, how soon? Read More


300 Predictions about Messiah

View a list of 300 predictions about Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, including a brief description, the reference for the prediction in Jewish Scriptures and the reference for its fulfillment in the New Testament. Read More


The Bible’s Most Amazing Prophecies

The Bible contains literally thousands of specific prophecies that have endured the test of time. What’s so significant about the Bible is that the prophecies it contains, many of which were given thousands of years before their actual fulfillment, have been fulfilled with 100% accuracy over time. In more than five hundred specific cases, the Bible has clearly and specifically predicted the future, with the fulfillment verified by historians and archeologists throughout the ages. In many cases, the fulfillment of these prophecies can be verified using a common encyclopedia. No other book would dare to predict future events in such great detail, and certainly, no other book can come close to matching this level of accuracy. The Bible is truly unique, for its track record of predicting the future simply defies mathematical probability.

Prophecy is what makes the Bible unique among other religious works such as the writings of Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius or the Book of Mormon. Indeed, thousands of years ago, the God of the Bible made a bold challenge to all other religions and prophets to use prophecy as the test by which to measure all other religions (Isaiah 41:22-23). So far, there has been no credible response to God’s challenge for a religion to put its reputation on the line by accurately predicting the future. Read More


Stop Apartheid!

OK, that title got you reading, so what I really mean is “Stop (with the) Apartheid (rhetoric already)!”. This morning I counter-demonstrated against a group protesting against Israel, and they had “Apartheid” boldly on display. Now, I admit I can be a stickler for words (I am, after all, an author and blogger), maybe even a little OC about them at times. But my thing with “apartheid” is not nitpicking. This is strategic rhetoric designed to invalidate Israel as a Jewish state. Read More

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