The Dangerously Changing Demographics of the New Anti-Semitism!

Jewish Scapegoat

Demographics can tell us a lot about the way society is evolving. Demographics can change our culture. Demographics can re-shape the political profile of a region or a country. They obviously can turn any economy around. What might be less known but nonetheless as important to understand, is that the world is currently going through a demographic shift that is affecting anti-Semitism. Read More


How Yale Killed God, Again

Yale killing Truth

It’s no secret that theology proper – the formal study of God – is an unwelcomed pursuit in the hallowed halls of today’s upper academia.  We have lived in a science-driven world since the Enlightenment of the 18th century, and as any self-respecting rationalist can tell you, religion is not a suitable topic for investigation, dissertation, or the laboratory.  No, indeed. We have moved beyond God, and if the truth be told, the larger public sphere itself is no place for superstition.  Read More


‘New Evangelicals’ Abandoning Israel

The executive director of a pro-Israel group is warning of so-called "new evangelicals" who are at the root of lies about the Jewish nation being spread among the evangelical community. These anti-Israel activists are not to be ignored, says David Brog with Christians United for Israel. Read More


Eschatological Anti-Semitism is Here and the Clock is Ticking!

France neo-Nazi Anti-Semitism

THERE IS NO DOUBT in my mind that organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League or the Simon Wiesenthal Center are instrumental in fighting bigotry and xenophobia in general and anti-Semitism in particular. They are very involved in tracking, exposing and fighting all kinds of anti-Semitism worldwide. Yet, I still believe that the best barometer to measure the global level of anti-Semitism remains the nation of Israel. Read More


Is the Shadow of Kristallnacht Looming Over Jews Again?

night of broken glass

Seventy-five years ago on November 9-10, 1938, an unprecedented event occurred throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria and Czechoslovakia. It continues to be remembered as Kristallnacht or "the Night of Broken Glass". Read More

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