Would you rather have a nuclear Iran than a war?

Israel must be wiped out of the world

Would you rather have a nuclear Iran than a war?

Successive leaders of Iran have repeatedly said that they will erase Israel from the pages of history.

The current president of Iran, Ahmadinejad has said many times, "Israel must be wiped off the map". Read More


Messiah Yeshua and Hanukkah are Connected!

Jewish Menorah Yeshua and Hanukkah

The holiday of Hanukkah, also known as The Feast of Dedication or Feast of the Maccabees begins tonight at sundown.

This holiday is a man-made holiday, not a feast day ordained by God, so it is not mentioned in the Jewish bible; the Torah, the Haftorah or Tanakh, but is celebrated by Jews around the world.  Hanukkah is a sequence of 8 days set aside to praise and thank God for his faithfulness and miraculous power.  The celebration is remembering a victory of the Jews over the Greko/Syrians in 165 B.C.  by the retaking and re-dedication of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.  The highlight of Hanukkah is known as the Miracle of Lights which involves the large 7-branch menorah in the temple.  Read More


How Close Are We *Really*?

One of the questions I’m asked about most frequently is how close do I think are we *really* are to the end times?  It’s one thing to point to current events in Israel or Europe, for example, and say that we might be getting close, but let’s be honest – folks like Hal Lindsey have been doing that for more than 40 years.  As I’ve stated many, many times, no one knows when God’s ultimate plan for humanity will unfold and we could be 1, 10 or 100 years away from it.  I’ve tried to make the case in these newsletters that we live in unique times prophetically, so I don’t believe it will be at the higher end of that range, but what about the lower end?  What is the case against an immediate unfolding of the end times prophecies?  It’s an interesting question to consider. Read More


Israeli Genocide of Palestinians? Really?

The Truth About the Refugees: Israel Palestinian Conflict

Danny Ayalon, Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs answers questions like:

Who are the Palestinian refugees? Why more than 60 years later is this still an issue?

Additional links to this trio of informational videos are:

1. The Truth about the West Bank

2. Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the Peace Process




Netanyahu’s 2011 Christmas Message to Christians

"Israel ensures freedom of worship for all"

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