Antisemitism in 2015: A Year in Review!

Paris France antisemitism 2015

Within a week of the start of 2015, terrorism hit France in what became the worst terror attack in decades, claiming 17 lives. Eleven months later, in some sort of an eerie xenophobic bookend, France was hit again, this time losing 130 innocent people. As I see the fabric of our global village changing daily, especially with the recent migrant crisis in Europe, I am greatly concerned with the fate of my people and of Israel. Read More


Jews Don’t Need to Convert to Jesus…The Pope Knows Best!

Pope says don't convert Jews

When it comes to Judeo/Christian relations, the Catholic Church carries centuries of baggage from anti-Judaism to anti-Semitism to anti-Zionism. At the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, the Catholic Church was officially propelled onto the world scene and continued to widen a theological gap between Christians and Jews. Read More


France’s 2nd Chance to Lead the War against Apocalyptic Islam!

French soldier Eiffel Tower Paris France

On Friday November 13, 2015, France was hit by yet another series of terrorist attacks in Paris, claiming the lives of 129 innocent people in several locations practically simultaneously. I had just returned from my biannual ministry trip to France four days prior, on the 9th of November. Read More


Islam vs NASA

Islam vs NASA

I had the chance recently to visit NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX.  If you have never seen a full-sized Space Shuttle in person, or the overwhelming muscularity of the Saturn 5 rocket up close and personal, it is well worth the trip.  Read More


Could the conspiracy of Psalm 83 against Israel involve ISIS?

It was only fifteen years ago that I was conducting research for my first book on anti-Semitism They Have Conspired Against You. This led me to an in-depth study of the 83rd Psalm written by Asaph who was a contemporary of King David. Psalm 83 spoke of many enemies of Israel and of the pleading of Asaph with God for His miraculous intervention on behalf of the Jewish people. Of the several points made by this short psalm, I was intrigued by the ten people groups who were described as conspiring against Israel. In digging a little deeper, I realized that this covenant of nations had never taken place in the history of Israel. Read More

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