Occupy Wall Street and Vilify Israel!

The bank-controlling "Greedy Jew" syndrome is not new. Slogans such as "Zionists control Wall Street", "Hitler's Bankers Wall St." or "Humanity versus the Rothschilds" heard and/or read at the Occupy Wall Street gathering and other "Occupy 'Your Home Town'" around the nation are nothing but a repackaging of an old anti-Semitic libel.

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What Does Yeshua Mean?

Yeshua is a name that means 'Salvation' in Hebrew.

Who is Yeshua?  Yeshua is the same as Jesus Christ of the New Testament Bible, and the same as the Messiah which was prophesied to come through the Jewish people over and again in the Old Testament Bible which is known as the Tanakh to the Jews. Read More


Anti-Semantic or anti-Semitic?


In our postmodern global community of political correctness, what happens in Europe has a tendency to quickly duplicate itself in America and it is usually not a contribution that would benefit our quickly atrophying Western civilization. This is the case for the latest French educational reform.

The new manuals used by the French educational system for the 2011-2012 school year, preparing last year high school students for their exit exam "Baccalaureat", will look different this year. Adjustments are not necessarily bad and even needed at times, as, to reprise an old Dylan song: " The times they are A-changin". But there are words that are better left untouched. Words that have become part of history and thus have acquired a meaning that sets them apart from other words and even possibly from the original meaning applied to them.

One such word is the word Shoah! Read More


Matthew 24 is for the Jews

4 horsemen of the Apocalypse

It's a sad fact that many people who read the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 will make the assumption that this is referring to the Church at the close of this age in some way. I’ve heard Pastors and Teachers preach and teach that this is about the Church in their sermons. But that is not the correct view; in the light of the historical facts, and timing for this portion of scripture. The very thing many people miss right off is there was no New Testament Church when Yeshua gave the Olivet Discourse! That’s right, there was no New Testament at the time Yeshua spoke those words. And it is not some unknowable riddle as to what Matthew 24 is showing, once you realize this time period is showing, the Tribulation, and (then) the setting up of the coming earthly Kingdom for Israel. May your heart be swift to hear and understand just how absent the Church is in Matthew 24! Read More


Yeshua ben Yosef

Two Olive Trees of Life Chaim

Who is Yeshua ben Yosef?

A well known Jewish prediction is that the Messiah will be from the line of King David.

"When your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. 13 He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. 14 I will be his Father, and he shall be My son."

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