
Jews Don’t Need to Convert to Jesus…The Pope Knows Best!

Pope says don't convert Jews

When it comes to Judeo/Christian relations, the Catholic Church carries centuries of baggage from anti-Judaism to anti-Semitism to anti-Zionism. At the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, the Catholic Church was officially propelled onto the world scene and continued to widen a theological gap between Christians and Jews. Read More



France’s 2nd Chance to Lead the War against Apocalyptic Islam!

French soldier Eiffel Tower Paris France

On Friday November 13, 2015, France was hit by yet another series of terrorist attacks in Paris, claiming the lives of 129 innocent people in several locations practically simultaneously. I had just returned from my biannual ministry trip to France four days prior, on the 9th of November. Read More



Is this an Aliyah or an Exodus for French Jews?

French Jew Aliyah

It has only been two months since the terrorist attacks in France led to the death of 17 people including four Jews in a kosher supermarket on the east side of Paris. Prime minister Manuel Valls delivered an emotional speech punctuated with rightful indignation in front of the French Assemblée Nationale, calling anti-Semitism “The symptom of democracy in crisis”. French President François Hollande vowed to defend France’s Jews when he was recently quoted saying: “Jews are at home in France, it’s the anti-Semites who have no place in the republic, in protecting its Jews, the republic is protecting itself.”
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The Six Dangers of Christian Palestinianism

christian palestinianism dangers

There has been a shift in Christian theology as it pertains to the Church’s relationship with Israel and/or Palestinian Christians. Loyalties once rooted in biblical principles are quickly changing. For followers of Yeshua (Jesus), it should not be much of a struggle to recognize Israel’s right to exist as well as the desperate need of the Jewish people for their Messiah. Read More



Sad, But We Told You So

heart and mind

The Rightful Censoring of Dr. Stephen Sizer


Back in October of 2014, I was invited to submit an article reporting to World Magazine in response to an outcry from the Jewish community against the words and actions of Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer, a vicar of the Church of England.  Read More

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