
Middle East Crisis: A Lack of Moral Equivalence!

Middle East lack of moral equivalence

I am well aware that I run the risk of being accused of stating the obvious by saying that there is a crisis in the Middle East. There is nothing new in that statement, yet it bears repeating. I do not see why the conservative fact-finding people should stop telling the truth and let liberals indoctrinate the masses with lies. We need equal footing on that war front if we want a chance at victory. Read More



PC USA’s Last Claim to Shame!

We Stand with Israel

Just over a week ago, PC USA (Presbyterian Church USA) held its biennial 2014 General Assembly in Detroit. The result of the weeklong gathering of delegates, leaders and other participants is still having major ripple effects within the Christian community at large. I was already concerned when I blogged on the topic last February as well as April when I did a review of their DVD/booklet pre-general assembly package titled "Zionism Unsettled". Read More



Focusing on what Unites Jews and Evangelicals!

For as long as Jews and Christians have existed, there has been an obvious tension between both groups too often resulting in ostracizing, forced conversions, expulsions, and deaths. Both sides have become very good at itemizing what divides them and dwelling on the differences. Over the years, finger-pointing and blame-shifting have almost become an art form in Judeo/Christian relations. Read More



The Dangerously Changing Demographics of the New Anti-Semitism!

Jewish Scapegoat

Demographics can tell us a lot about the way society is evolving. Demographics can change our culture. Demographics can re-shape the political profile of a region or a country. They obviously can turn any economy around. What might be less known but nonetheless as important to understand, is that the world is currently going through a demographic shift that is affecting anti-Semitism. Read More



Eschatological Anti-Semitism is Here and the Clock is Ticking!

France neo-Nazi Anti-Semitism

THERE IS NO DOUBT in my mind that organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League or the Simon Wiesenthal Center are instrumental in fighting bigotry and xenophobia in general and anti-Semitism in particular. They are very involved in tracking, exposing and fighting all kinds of anti-Semitism worldwide. Yet, I still believe that the best barometer to measure the global level of anti-Semitism remains the nation of Israel. Read More

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