The Historical Record

On Palm Sunday, Yeshua Revealed Himself as Messiah

Palm Sunday, Yeshua Messiah Revealed

Today is Palm Sunday, which marks the precise day that Yeshua was prophesied to reveal himself as Israel's Messiah by riding into Jerusalem on a young donkey.
The crowds recognized their Messiah, shouting "Hosanna!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"  as they waved palm branches before laying them on the ground in front of their king. Read More


The Historical Record

Would you rather have a nuclear Iran than a war?

Israel must be wiped out of the world

Would you rather have a nuclear Iran than a war?

Successive leaders of Iran have repeatedly said that they will erase Israel from the pages of history.

The current president of Iran, Ahmadinejad has said many times, "Israel must be wiped off the map". Read More


The Historical Record

Messiah Yeshua and Hanukkah are Connected!

Jewish Menorah Yeshua and Hanukkah

The holiday of Hanukkah, also known as The Feast of Dedication or Feast of the Maccabees begins tonight at sundown.

This holiday is a man-made holiday, not a feast day ordained by God, so it is not mentioned in the Jewish bible; the Torah, the Haftorah or Tanakh, but is celebrated by Jews around the world.  Hanukkah is a sequence of 8 days set aside to praise and thank God for his faithfulness and miraculous power.  The celebration is remembering a victory of the Jews over the Greko/Syrians in 165 B.C.  by the retaking and re-dedication of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.  The highlight of Hanukkah is known as the Miracle of Lights which involves the large 7-branch menorah in the temple.  Read More


The Historical Record

What Does Yeshua Mean?

Yeshua is a name that means 'Salvation' in Hebrew.

Who is Yeshua?  Yeshua is the same as Jesus Christ of the New Testament Bible, and the same as the Messiah which was prophesied to come through the Jewish people over and again in the Old Testament Bible which is known as the Tanakh to the Jews. Read More


The Historical Record

Yeshua ben Yosef

Two Olive Trees of Life Chaim

Who is Yeshua ben Yosef?

A well known Jewish prediction is that the Messiah will be from the line of King David.

"When your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. 13 He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. 14 I will be his Father, and he shall be My son."

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